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Resources - Other / Re: New Game Pitch
« Last post by Gen. Padron, Joseph C. on August 27, 2018, 04:22:36 pm »
Yes sir, time and money. The way of this world.

Well, you let me know when you may have time, and I will let you know when I have money.
Resources - Other / Re: Various Franchise Top Down
« Last post by Gen. Padron, Joseph C. on August 27, 2018, 04:18:16 pm »
Negetive, That is the best resolution I could find of that set. They are actual photos of 3D Printed models. I tried to pull it up, but I was unsuccessful.
Discussions / Re: Welcome to GBeeGames
« Last post by Gen. Padron, Joseph C. on August 27, 2018, 04:10:21 pm »
Everything seems to be visually good now. I dont have to scroll left and right to see everything on the page. I will attempt to send some pics to see it it will work.
Try again please, I might have not give the forums enough room!
Resources - Other / Re: Various Franchise Top Down
« Last post by gbeegames on August 27, 2018, 03:45:52 pm »
awesome!!!, can you post a bigger picture?
Resources - Other / Re: New Game Pitch
« Last post by gbeegames on August 27, 2018, 03:45:37 pm »
Hi Joe,

I played Fallout and Fallout 2.  Yes I can write an RPG and would love to do that, its a question of planning, time and money :)!

Discussions / Re: Welcome to GBeeGames
« Last post by gbeegames on August 27, 2018, 03:39:14 pm »
Hi Joe,

Is this theme not responsive?  I will try it out.  Also can you test another upload to these forums when you get a chance?  I added more space for uploads,but I am not sure if that was the problem.

Thanks, Greg
Resources - Other / New Game Pitch
« Last post by Gen. Padron, Joseph C. on August 27, 2018, 07:34:54 am »
Hey Greg,

I don't know if you have ever played a PC game called Fallout, Fallout 2, or Fallout: Tactics, but I have a request. I love these games, but they will never port them to mobile.

I have been playing this old style top down RPG, very similar to those games, available on Apple and Google. It is call " Exiled Kingdoms "

My question is, could you write a game like that?

Get back to me on this?!
This forum will not let me send photos of my designs.
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